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This page contains addresses and articles not yet categorised.
1 Peter 3:19 An unusual topic for an address and depicts the titanic struggle between Satan and God over the plan of redemption. |
Acts 1:7-8 The task of witness - a process which begins at home- then the outlying district- and then further afield to the outside world. |
Titus 3:4 Showing believers the biblical necessity for baptism. |
Exodus 25:22 The necessity to understand true repentance and the mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ. |
Sermon preached May 22nd 1955 but very applicable to 2005 Election Day
Psalm 22:21 Showing victory for the Christian over unexpected crises in life. |
1 Corinthians 2:14 How the spirit is dead to God without the life of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Acts 16:30/31 A careful study to help those who are serious about experiencing salvation and need further help. |
preached during the Second World War |
REVIVAL MUST BE Baptist Revival Fellowship |
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